lundi 7 septembre 2009

Q&R avec Rafa / Lundi 7 septembre, 2009

Rafa replies: My autobiography is on the way and why I love fishing


Do you welcome fame or would you rather be able to play tennis without being in the public eye? Katharine
RN: I love to play tennis in front of big crowds and against the best players in the World. That's something unique and exciting

Do you have any contact with Carlos Moya and do you think he will come back on tour? Saskia
RN: Yes I do, I speak on the phone to him a lot. He is practicing again and will be back at the beginning of next year.

What size t-shirt do you wear when you play? Or are they made-to-measure? Chandra
RN: Custom made. But I think it would be an M

We all know that you are a good cook ... so if you had to cook a romantic dinner for two, what would be on the menu? Anna
RN: Not sure about that! About being a good cook. For a romantic dinner I go out to a restaurant.

I've seen your biography in many of the book stores around the UK, but would you ever consider writing an autobiography? Haychee
RN: Yes I am, but I'll wait a little bit. That biography you've seen I never saw it so I am not sure it is very credible.

My 12 year-old son loves playing tennis but also plays football and cricket. His tennis coach wants him to give up other sports to only play tennis. Do you think it is good advice for a kid to specialise so soon? Hilary Patterson
RN: He should do what he enjoys the most, I would say tennis but it can't be me, gotta be him with a good advice from the coach.

When you go fishing, is it like tennis – all about fighting as hard as you can? Is there a particular fish you’d like to catch? Rain
RN: No, no, the opposite. I don't know the name of the fish. I did fish once a big tuna.

Who do you think will win the Champions League this season? JoAnn C
RN: Barca, Madrid, Manchester? Who knows...

Are there any good young Spanish junior players who we should watch out for in the years to come? Hayley
RN: It looks like there is a bit of a gap nowadays.

Which is your favourite hotel in the world? Renee
RN: I am very fortunate to go to many good hotels. Not fair to point out one.

One can find lots of photos, videos and information of/about you on the internet, also of your family. Do you sometimes think that this goes too far since it invades in your privacy? Annika

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