jeudi 31 juillet 2008

Cincinatti,c'est parti! Une entrevue de...

Player Interviews

July 30, 2008


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Does a quick match like this do more harm than good in terms of preparing you for this tournament since you don't have a chance to work on all your shots under game conditions?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, very happy for win, for be in third round. Happy because, well, not long match. It's important always you are playing a lot of the matches to have one match like this. But, well, for the other reason and for find the best feelings is not the good match, no?

Q. But because it's so tough usually for whoever wins Canada to come here and play well, including you in '05, it's probably a good thing to get of the court as soon as possible.
RAFAEL NADAL: I said, no? It's important not only for Canada, no, because I played a lot of matches in the lasts months. Too much I think. For that reason it's very important win one match like this.

Q. How hard is it to go from winning Canada and coming down here and doing well? Traditionally the last ten years it hasn't gone well for the Canada champion.
RAFAEL NADAL: It's always difficult. It's always tough. But, you know, I mean, in a good performance I am with confidence and I am playing well for the last few months. I'm playing very well, no? So just I going to trying my best for continuing play well in this tournament, no? If I play a good tournament here I going to have a very good chance for be in a good position on the race, no?

Q. How much more confident are you this year during the hard court season compared to a year ago?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? I don't want to compare the years, no? So this year I'm playing my best season, not on hard, on every surface, so I'm confident for that reason. I feel a little bit better player. I don't know, I did very well in Toronto this year, but hard season continuing.

Q. Are you thinking about becoming No. 1? Is that inevitable, or that doesn't weigh much on your mind?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: Everyone wants to be No. 1, no? Right now I'm focused on this tournament in Cincinnati. It's a very important tournament, no? My only goal is continuing playing like what I did in the last four, five months. If I continue like this I going to have a lot of chances for be No. 1? If not, I don't want to be No. 1 because my opponents are very good.

Q. Prior to tonight you had a 3 and 4 record here in four previous appearances. Why has this tournament been so difficult for you to play well historically?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, sometimes because I arrived late from Canada, and other times because I wasn't in my best moment of the season, no? That's the reason.

Q. How tough is it on the body to play on this surface? Because grass is nice, is...
RAFAEL NADAL: Softer, yes.

Q. Yeah, and clay is also better. But is it really hard? It's hard on the joints?
RAFAEL NADAL: You know, the top management of ATP are, well, always think about continuing playing more and more tournaments in this kind of surface. I think it's not a good way, because if I look the locker room and you look in the trainers' room, everybody have problems, no? On the knees on the foot, every play, no, here (pointing to the hip.). So I think it's not the good way. It's the hardest surface for the body, that's for sure.

Q. Am I right, because Federer said it's the hard court season from now until Monaco. What do you do? Do you have clay court tournaments in between?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't have.

Q. There's nothing.
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't play clay tournaments, no? I play the same clay tournaments than Roger. Less one year. This year. One less tournament on clay I played this year than Roger.

Q. So the longest season is on the hardest surface. You can confirm?
RAFAEL NADAL: I said always same, no? That's a big mistake, in my opinion, for the tour. That's one of the biggest mistakes, no? Because if you saw the players, injuries, how many injuries the players have in the last months, you know, you have to think if we are going in the good way, good direction or not.
For that reason it's happen.

Q. Looking at the locker room it's what, ankles, knees, and hips?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think everything, no? Not everyone have the same, but I saw a lot of player with problems in the knees and the foots, too. Everybody is tape. You have to tape. You know, it's very tough, this surface.

Q. You always say there's no easy matches in tennis. Seems like if there ever was one today was it. Was there any difficulty in your game or his that you found tonight at all?
RAFAEL NADAL: Never easy match, no? But today he did a ﷓﷓ well, he didn't play, no? I think he was a little bit nervous and he play very bad today, no?

Q. With the win at Wimbledon to go with the four French, do you place more of an emphasis, if at all, on the hard court season?
RAFAEL NADAL: (Through translation.) I always did the same, with same emphasis, no? My opinion have the same importance this tournament right now than the last year or the US Open this year than last year. Nothing change, no?

Q. How has winning Wimbledon this year changed your life? Does it give you a lot more confidence on the faster surfaces? You did pretty well before.
RAFAEL NADAL: Sometimes the people who are not following the tennis every week always think I am only clay court player, no? But if you were following the tennis every week and see the results you're going to see I am not only clay court player, no? I have semifinals in Australia, semifinals in Indian Wells, final in Miami, final in Chennai. I won in Madrid and I won in Canada two times and I won Indian Wells, in Dubai. So a lot of...China, too. I played two finals in Wimbledon and I won Queen's and I win another time in Wimbledon. So some very, very good results without play on clay, no? Because I am No. 2 of the world with unbelievable points, and I only play four or five tournaments on clay every season, no, you know.

Q. Sure. So going into the US Open on hard court, it's a pretty nice run you're on. Are you feeling pretty confident this could be your year?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. My goal right now is play in Cincinnati. Later I going to play in Olympics. That will be a very nice experience with me. Later I going to think about US Open, no? It can be me year, yes or not. I don't know, no? You never know.

Q. I think you said before you feel like you've played too many matches. Is there anything you can do about that?
RAFAEL NADAL: You know the calendar is like this and I don't have any election, no? I can't do nothing.

Q. You can't play less?
RAFAEL NADAL: I can't do nothing less. The calendar a terrible this year.

FastScripts by ASAP Sports.

Nadal veut moins de dur.

Nadal veut moins de dur

Jeudi 31 juillet 2008

Nadal trouve que trop de tournois sont joués sur surface dure. (Photo Getty)
Nadal trouve que trop de tournois sont joués sur surface dure. (Photo Getty)
CINCINNATI - L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal, numéro deux mondial, a reproché à l'ATP d'intégrer trop de tournois sur dur dans son calendrier, surface à ses yeux la plus éprouvante.

"Les responsables de l'ATP veulent qu'on joue toujours plus de tournois sur ce genre de surface. Mais elle est vraiment difficile pour le corps. Tout le monde joue avec des bandages. Nous n'avons pas tous les mêmes blessures mais on en voit beaucoup avec des problèmes de genoux ou de pieds", s'est plaint le Majorquin, membre du comité des joueurs de l'ATP.

"C'est une grosse erreur, à mon avis, de la part de l'ATP, a ajouté Nadal, qui lorgne sur la place de no 1 mondial de Roger Federer. Il suffit de voir combien de joueurs ont été blessés ces derniers mois. Il faut savoir si on va dans la bonne direction ou pas."

En plus de l'Omnium d'Australie et des Internationaux d'Australie, quatre des huit tournois Masters Series, la catégorie juste en-dessous des Grands Chelems - se déroulent sur dur : Indian Wells, Miami, Canada (Toronto ou Montréal) et Cincinnati.

Et l'ATP veut déclasser du tournoi sur terre battue d'Hambourg, comptant pour les Masters Series, ce qui a suscité une vive réaction des meilleurs joueurs (Federer, Nadal et Djokovic) et vaut à l'ATP un procès de la part des organisateurs allemands qui réclament 75 millions de dollars de dédommagement.

Nadal est actuellement sur une période faste, avec cinq titres remportés de rang (Hambourg, Roland-Garros, Queen's, Wimbledon et Toronto).

HS- Duclos-Lasnier en quarts de finale.

Duclos-Lasnier en quarts de finale

Jeudi 31 juillet 2008

Le joueur de tennis Pierre-Ludovic Duclos-Lasnier a atteint les quarts de finale, jeudi, au Future de Dakar, un tournoi octroyant 15000 $ en bourses disputé dans la capitale sénégalaise.

Affecté par l’humidité, le favori du tournoi a dû s’y prendre en trois manches pour vaincre l’Israélien Saar Steele, classé au 1202e rang mondial. « C’était extrêmement humide aujourd’hui et j’ai eu beaucoup de difficulté physiquement, a raconté le Duclos-Lasnier. Je ne me sentais pas bien sur le court et je n’avais pas d’énergie. J’avais de la difficulté à respirer et à trouver mon air entre les points. »

Après avoir remporté la première manche 7-5, l’athlète de Sainte-Foy s’est ensuite incliné en 5-7 en deuxième manche. Il a cependant retrouvé sa touche pour remporter la manche ultime en 6-4. « Je suis quand même fier d'être passé à travers ce match », a-t-il poursuivi.

Duclos-Lasnier, pointant au 394e rang mondial, affrontera, dans son match de quart de finale, le Français Philippe de Bonnevie, cinquième tête de série et 626e au monde.

En double, le Québécois et son partenaire belge Niels Desein se mesureront, en quart de finale, au duo composé du Britannique Christopher Harfield et de l’Américain James Ludlow. Mardi dernier, les deux joueurs avaient d’abord vaincu au premier tour la paire formée du Français Simon Cauvard et du Sénégalais Daouda Ndiaye en 6-2 et 7-6(3).

Yann Mathieu rentre à la maison bredouille

Après avoir été défait en simple mardi, au Mercedes Open (Utrecht, Pays-Bas), le joueur de tennis en fauteuil roulant Yann Mathieu a connu le même sort en double, jeudi.

Le Trifluvien et son coéquipier manitobain Lee Carter ont baissé pavillon au premier tour devant les deuxièmes têtes de série, les Néerlandais Maikel Sheffers et Ronald Vink, en deux manches de 6-1 et 6-2.

Mathieu sera du OAC Capital City Classic 2008 disputé à Ottawa à compter de jeudi prochain.

Federer ouvre la porte à Nadal.

Federer ouvre la porte à Nadal

Jeudi 31 juillet 2008, AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

Roger Federer perdra-t-il son titre de numéro un mondial? (Photo PC)
Roger Federer perdra-t-il son titre de numéro un mondial? (Photo PC)
CINCINNATI - Le Suisse Roger Federer, no un mondial, a été battu par le Croate Ivo Karlovic en trois manches de 7-6 (8/6), 4-6 et7-6 (7/5), jeudi, au 3e tour du tournoi ATP Masters Series de Cincinnati.

Cette 11e défaite de la saison place Federer en position de perdre la place de no1 mondial, qu'il occupe depuis 235 semaines consécutives - record absolu dans l'histoire de l'ATP.

L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal, qui reste sur cinq titres consécutifs, deviendra le nouveau no mondial, s'il remporte le titre dimanche.

Vainqueur de Federer pour la première fois en sept confrontations, Karlovic (22e joueur mondial) affrontera l'Allemand Philipp Kohlschreiber en quarts de finale.

Djokovic passe, Blake non

Dans les autres matchs de troisième tour, le numéro trois mondial Novak Djokovic a été expéditif alors que le numéro sept James Blake a mordu la poussière.

Djokovic a complètement dominé l'Italien Andreas Seppi 6-1, 6-2 grâce entre autre à huit aces et 83% de premières balles sur son service. Il n'a fait face qu'à une balle de bris dans la rencontre, point qu'il a perdu par ailleurs.

Cincinatti, c'est parti!

Jeudi 31 juillet,2008

Court Central/ 11h00 a.m.
[7] J Blake (USA) vs E Gulbis (LAT)
Pas avant 1h00 p.m.
A Seppi (ITA) vs [3] N Djokovic (SRB)
[1] R Federer (SUI) vs [16] I Karlovic (CRO)
Pas avant 7h00 p.m.
T Haas (GER) vs [2] R Nadal (ESP)
[1] B Bryan (USA) / M Bryan (USA) vs [8] M Fyrstenberg (POL) / M Matkowski (POL)

GRANDSTAND/ 12h15 p.m.
[4] N Davydenko (RUS) vs C Moya (ESP) 67(8) 01 - To Be Finished
D Tursunov (RUS) vs [8] A Murray (GBR)
[4] N Davydenko (RUS) or C Moya (ESP) vs I Andreev (RUS)
N Lapentti (ECU) vs [10] F Verdasco (ESP)

Pas avant 7h00 p.m.
[4] M Bhupathi (IND) / M Knowles (BAH) vs [WC] M Fish (USA) / J Isner (USA) or [5] J Bjorkman (SWE) / K Ullyett (ZIM)

COURT 3/ 12h00 p.m.
R Soderling (SWE) vs P Kohlschreiber (GER)
[WC] M Fish (USA) / J Isner (USA) vs [5] J Bjorkman (SWE) / K Ullyett (ZIM) 76(4) 00 - To Be Finished
R Lindstedt (SWE) / J Nieminen (FIN) vs [3] J Erlich (ISR) / A Ram (ISR) 01 - To Be Finished

mercredi 30 juillet 2008

Cincinatti, une entrevue de...

Player Interviews

July 29, 2008


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Do you think much this week about possibly gaining the top spot in the rankings?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think about try play good tournament here in Cincinnati for the first time, no? I did quarterfinals one time, so I probably is my worst result in Masters Series tournament, no? Here is the tournament where I always play worst if we think about all the Masters Series. So my goal is improve this result in this Masters Series. I don't know, no? I don't think about the No. 1 because I am the No. 2. If any day I'm No. 1 I going to think about the number 1. Sure, it is a goal, yes. For me, if I am No. 1 any day will be very nice, but right now just my goal is continuing play like I did before, no?

Q. Why is Cincinnati difficult for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? Probably the last two years, especially because I arrived last year I arrived a little bit late from Montreal. I have, well, I have a tired during the match. The year before I played quarterfinals wasn't very bad. The year when I won in Montreal, 2005, I lost unbelievable match against Berdych, no, with match points against, with three match points for me, no?

Q. You always talk about how Roger is the No. 1 player and all that kind of stuff. Do you feel the way you've been playing since Hamburg you are the No. 1 player in the world, the best player out there?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel I am playing well, no? I am very happy because I played very good tournaments in the last months, no? So very happy about how I am playing. But no sense to feel No. 1 if you are the No. 2, no?

Q. What do you think a No. 1 ranking means? What does it mean to be ranked No. 1 or 2?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? I really don't know, no? For sure be No. 1 for your careera is important goal, no, especially when I have 5 Grand Slams already and I have 12 Masters Series, 30 tournaments. So a lot of good results in all the tournaments and I didn't have the No. 1, not yet, no? So if I No. 1 it going to be important title if it's something like this, no?

Q. So what's been the biggest area of improvement in your game? Where have you improved most over last year?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? I think I improve a little bit more my game. I am serving a little bit better, but nothing special, no? I think I always try to improve my game. Not just last year from this year. I always improved. Right now I am one year older so I have one more year experience and one more year on tour. Probably that's give me a little bit more confidence, or with the time I can continuing improve, no? But improve the serve, the slice for sure. For the rest, not much.

Q. Now that you're on the player board, how close have you been following the case between Hamburg and the ATP?
RAFAEL NADAL: I really don't know what's happening. In my opinion, the important thing, or most important thing, is arrive to settlement with ATP and Hamburg. If ATP arrive settlement with Hamburg, no one going to be disaster for no one. That's, I think, the most important thing. Because if Hamburg win going to be disaster for ATP, and if ATP win going to be disaster for Hamburg. So I think Hamburg was important tournament in the past. ATP try to change the status of Hamburg. I think right now ATP has to give something special to Hamburg, no. That's my opinion.

FastScripts by ASAP Sports

Nadal ne fait qu'une bouché de Serra.

Le mercredi 30 juillet 2008

Nadal ne fait qu'une bouchée de Serra

L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal (Photo AFP)
Agrandir l'image

L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal
Photo AFP

Agence France-Presse


L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal, N.2 mondial, a écrasé le Français Florent Serra en 46 minutes (6-0, 6-1) pour son entrée en lice dans le tournoi ATP Masters Series de Cincinnati, mercredi.

Comme en Australie, en janvier, le Majorquin a totalement dépassé le 84e mondial, qui a inscrit seulement 10 points dans la première manche et encaissé les 9 premiers jeux de la rencontre.

Avec cette promenade, le Majorquin, de plus en plus proche du sommet de la hiérarchie mondiale, poursuit sa série victorieuse avec un 30e succès consécutif.

La semaine dans l'Ohio est également terminée pour Gilles Simon, l'un des joueurs en forme du moment.

Le Français, titré à Indianapolis et demi-finalistes à Toronto, également un Masters Series, la semaine dernière, a été sorti par l'Américain James Blake (N.7) en deux manches 6-3, 6-4.

De son côté, le Serbe Novak Djokovic (N.3) s'est fait quelques frayeurs, franchissant l'obstacle de l'Italien Simone Bolelli grâce à deux jeux décisifs similaires 7-6 (7/2), 7-6 (7/2).

Le Serbe, toujours très confiant, refuse d'évoquer une perte de vitesse, malgré de récents résultats médiocres (2e tour à Wimbledon et 1/4 de finale à Toronto).

«Je me concentre simplement sur mon jeu, ma carrière et mes matches. J'ai 21 ans. Je ne veux pas me mettre plus de pression que je n'en ai déjà», a déclaré Djokovic, attendu pour être le rival de Nadal et du N.1 mondial, le Suisse Roger Federer.

Enfin, la soirée a été écourtée par la pluie alors que l'Espagnol Carlos Moya était en train de malmener le Russe Nikolay Davydenko (7-6) et 1-0 au moment de l'interruption.

mardi 29 juillet 2008

HS- Duclos met la cerise sur le Sunday!

Duclos met la cerise sur Sunday

Mardi 29 juillet 2008

Pierre-Ludovic Duclos-Lasnier.
Pierre-Ludovic Duclos-Lasnier.
MONTRÉAL – Pierre-Ludovic Duclos-Lasnier, de Sainte-Foy, est parvenu à se qualifier pour le deuxième tour du Future de Dakar qui s’amorçait mardi dans la capitale sénégalaise.

Duclos-Lasnier, favori du tournoi, l’a facilement remporté en deux manches de 6-2 et 6-1 contre Emmanuel Sunday, du Nigéria.

« Je suis satisfait de la façon dont j’ai joué mon premier match, a déclaré le Québécois. Le premier match d’un tournoi n'est jamais facile, même lorsque tu joues contre un adversaire moins bien classé que toi, car tu ne sais jamais à quelles conditions t’attendre. Les courts sont très rapides ici », a-t-il poursuivi, faisant remarquer que la chaleur et l’humidité étaient au rendez-vous à Dakar.

Duclos-Lasnier et Sunday s’affrontaient pour une deuxième fois en trois semaines. Au Future de Damas, en Syrie, le Québécois avait eu le dessus sur le Nigérien en 7-5 et 6-1. « J’ai utilisé cet avantage en ma faveur », a expliqué l’athlète de 22 ans.

Le 403e joueur mondial affrontera au deuxième tour le vainqueur du duel opposant le Nigérien Candy Idoko et l’Israélien Saar Steele.

En double, Duclos-Lasnier et son partenaire belge Niels Desein, premières têtes de série, ont vaincu au premier tour la paire formée du Français Simon Cauvard et du Sénégalais Daouda Ndiaye en 6-2 et 7-6(3). Ils affronteront en deuxième ronde le duo composé du Britannique Christopher Harfield et de l’Américain James Ludlow

Un peu hors sujet....Federer et Borg réunis.

Federer et Borg réunis

Mardi 29 juillet 2008

Roger Federer et Bjorn Borg joueront ensemble en double.
Roger Federer et Bjorn Borg joueront ensemble en double.
MACAO - Roger Federer et Bjorn Borg vont faire équipe en double au cours d'un match exhibition au mois de novembre à Macao, probablement face aux joueurs qui ont mis fin à leurs séries victorieuses à Wimbledon.

Federer et Borg ont tous deux gagné cinq fois d'affilée Wimbledon. Le règne de Federer a pris fin plus tôt ce mois-ci avec une défaite en finale contre le numéro 2 mondial Rafael Nadal.

Federer et Borg, vainqueur à cinq reprises de Wimbledon entre 1976 et 1980 avant de s'incliner en finale en 1981 contre John McEnroe, auront face à eux McEnroe, et peut-être Nadal.

Le partenaire de McEnroe contre la paire Federer-Borg sera soit Nadal, soit l'Américain James Blake, ont annoncé les organisateurs mardi.

La compétition débutera par un affrontement en un set entre Borg et McEnroe. Le double prendra la forme d'un bris d'égalité de 10 points.

La fédération espagnole entetée.

La fédération espagnole étêtée

Mardi 29 juillet 2008

MADRID - Le président de la Fédération de tennis espagnole (RFET) Pedro Munoz, contesté par les grands joueurs de son pays, a annoncé mardi qu'il quitterait son poste à l'issue de son actuel mandat en décembre.

"La décision de ne pas me représenter" au poste de président "est un acte d'absolue liberté", a assuré le responsable lors d'une conférence de presse en compagnie du président du Comité olympique espagnol (COE) Alejandro Blanco et du secrétaire d'Etat au sport Jaime Lissavetzky.

Pedro Munoz avait été vivement critiqué par les joueurs espagnols en particulier Rafael Nadal, pour le choix de Madrid pour accueillir la demi-finale de la Coupe Davis contre les Etats-Unis du 19 au 21 septembre.

Ces derniers voulaient jouer au niveau de la mer, et non à Madrid, qui se trouve à 600 m d'altitude, ce qui favorise le jeu plus rapide des Américains. La situation s'est envenimée lorsque le président de la Fédération a nargué ses joueurs par SMS.

"Nous (les joueurs) ne nous sentons pas représentés par lui et nous n'en voulons pas", avait notamment lâché le numéro un espagnol Rafael Nadal, qui refuse désormais, ainsi que les autres joueurs, de participer à tout événement lié à la RFET.

Selon les médias espagnols, le retrait de M. Munoz serait le fruit d'un compromis avec les joueurs, celui-ci acceptant de ne pas se représenter à la fin de son mandat en décembre et les joueurs renouant en échange le contact avec la RFET.

lundi 28 juillet 2008

Nadal bientot numéro un?

Nadal bientôt numéro un?

Lundi 28 juillet 2008

Rafael Nadal (Photo Getty)
Rafael Nadal (Photo Getty)
PARIS - L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal, vainqueur dimanche du tournoi de Toronto n'est plus qu'à 300 points du numéro un mondial suisse Roger Federer au classement ATP publié lundi tandis que l'Allemand Nicolas Kiefer, finaliste malheureux au Canada, réalise la plus belle progression de la semaine (+18 places) pour s'installer dans le Top 20.

Aucun changement n'est à signaler dans le Top 10, à part l'Espagnol David Ferrer et le Russe Nikolay Davydenko, tous deux éliminés au stade des huitième de finale au Canada et qui échangent leur quatrième et cinquième place.

Classement technique (sur les 52 dernières semaines) au 28 juillet:

1. Roger Federer (SUI) 6605
2. Rafael Nadal (ESP) 6305
3. Novak Djokovic (SRB) 5055
4. David Ferrer (ESP) 2945 (+1)
5. Nikolay Davydenko (RUS) 2925 (-1)
6. Andy Roddick (USA) 2065
7. David Nalbandian (ARG) 2005
8. James Blake (USA) 1980
9. Andy Murray (GBR) 1835
10. Stanislas Wawrinka (SUI) 1685
11. Richard Gasquet (FRA) 1545 (+1)
12. Nicolas Almagro (ESP) 1435 (+1)
13. Fernando Verdasco (ESP) 1475 (-2)
14. Gilles Simon (FRA) 1390 (+8)
15. Fernando Gonzalez (CHI) 1340
16. Tommy Robredo (ESP) 1315 (-2)
17. Mikhail Youzhny (RUS) 1280 (-1)
18. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA) 1265 (-1)
19. Nicolas Kiefer (ALL) 1245 (+18)
20. Radek Stepanek (CZE) 1240 (-2)

Nadal à 300 points de Federer

Le lundi 28 juillet 2008

Nadal à 300 points de Federer

Rafael Nadal (Photo AFP)
Agrandir l'image

Rafael Nadal
Photo AFP

Agence France-Presse


L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal, vainqueur dimanche du tournoi de Toronto n'est plus qu'à 300 points du N.1 mondial suisse Roger Federer au classement ATP publié lundi tandis que l'Allemand Nicolas Kiefer, finaliste malheureux au Canada, réalise la plus belle progression de la semaine (+18 places) pour s'installer dans le Top 20.

Le Français Gilles Simon, également auteur d'un beau parcours à Toronto où il a atteint les demi-finales après son succès à Indianapolis la semaine précédente occupe dorénavant la 14e place (+8).

Aucun changement n'est à signaler dans le Top 10, à part l'Espagnol David Ferrer et le Russe Nikolay Davydenko, tous deux éliminés au stade des 8e de finale au Canada et qui échangent leur 4e et 5e place.

Classement technique (sur les 52 dernières semaines) au 28 juillet:

1. Roger Federer (SUI) 6605
2. Rafael Nadal (ESP) 6305
3. Novak Djokovic (SRB) 5055
4. David Ferrer (ESP) 2945 (+1)
5. Nikolay Davydenko (RUS) 2925 (-1)
6. Andy Roddick (USA) 2065
7. David Nalbandian (ARG) 2005
8. James Blake (USA) 1980
9. Andy Murray (GBR) 1835
10. Stanislas Wawrinka (SUI) 1685

dimanche 27 juillet 2008

Coupe Rogers 2008/ Une entrevue de...

July 27, 2008
R. NADAL/N. Kiefer
6 3, 6 2
An interview with:

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You think it's the year of Spain? Spain is champion in Europe.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I know. We don't need to repeat. We win a lot of things.

Q. You going to be No. 1 soon?
RAFAEL NADAL: Every player wants to be No. 1, no? I would love to be No. 1, but I am No. 2 right now, no? I'm very happy for be number 2.Yes, this year we are doing a lot of things very good and having a lot of very good sportsman in Spain. We are very happy for everything, no? Because we won in the last months a lot of important things for or country, no?

Q. Even the Tour de France.
RAFAEL NADAL: The Tour, the European Championship Football, the Euro. Alonzo (phonetic) is doing very well the last couple years, Roland Garros, Wimbledon, I don't know, a lot of more things.

Q. Winning the Masters Series is never easy, but how difficult has this one been to win so close to Wimbledon? Just two weeks to recover, how difficult has that been?
RAFAEL NADAL: Every tournament is very difficult, no? I won here in Canada in 2005, so win title here is very, very important for me, no? Especially because this year. I didn't won a tournament yet on hard. Right now I have five titles in a row in three different surfaces, so that's very, very good for me, no?

Q. Has your body and mind come up as good as it was before the two Grand Slams?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am fine, no? I am doing my best seen in my careera, so I just focus for try continuing play like this, no?

Q. You talk about wanting to be No. 1, every player wants that. But being No. 2 to Roger for three years and now being so close. If you win in Cincinnati you can be No. 1. How satisfying would it be to get there after putting in so much effort over the past few years?
RAFAEL NADAL: I repeat, no? For me No. 2 was very important, and I was very happy be the No. 2. Because with my titles, with my points, in a normal situation I, well, would have been No. 1 before. So I think I have to be happy, very happy anyway if I am No. 1 or No. 2. Because if I am No. 2 it's because in front of me there is amazing player like Roger, no?

Q. You had the label of being a clay court player, and then you won on grass at Wimbledon. The next step is hard courts. Is that the big challenge to prove to everyone that you can win on any surface?
RAFAEL NADAL: I win on every surface, no? I win on grass, on hard, on indoor, and on clay, too. So if I am playing my best tennis I can win on every surface, no? Sure, for me the grass and hard is a little more difficult, but I know if I am playing my best tennis I can play good here, too. I am always trying for improve my tennis in every surface.

Q. Today was not the toughest match of the week, I suppose.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the result was easier than the match I think, no? But I have a tough moment in 2 All second set. A lot of breakpoints against. Well, not a lot. Some two, three, so it was a difficult moment. But it was very difficult to play today, no? Was a lot of the wind, moving a lot. It's not all the time in the same direction, no? So it's moving around a lot. Was very difficult to play. Finally I win, so matches like this the important thing, the only thing, is win.

Q. Can you just talk about your plan for your next couple of days, how you're going to prepare? Are you going to relax and forget about tennis for a bit, or are you going straight into preparation for Cincinnati and then Olympics after that?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't have these couple of days.

Q. No time to relax then?
RAFAEL NADAL: No time for prepare, no time for nothing. I just going to be in Cincinnati tomorrow I think, and just try to practice a little bit tomorrow. After tomorrow I probably play on Wednesday, no?

Q. Obviously you're being asked a lot about No. 1, but the top ranking is more than just a number. Suddenly you become the face of the tour, and there's a lot of attention. Have you thought about that, and are you prepared for that if it happens in the next few weeks?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think doesn't change too much being No. 1 or No. 2. If I No. 1 I think for sure I am prepared, because I was prepared three years for defend the points and for play with the pression for be No. 2. So if I No. 1 I gonna be prepared, sure. I am prepared. But, you know, right now I still No. 2. I think you guys forget, and that's the true right now, no?

Q. No. 1 again. Do you know exactly how many victories you have to get to overcome Federer? RAFAEL NADAL: No.

Q. Really?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, really, because I didn't know exactly I think the points doesn't going anyway the same week like last year, no? This tournament...

Q. It's very difficult. But anyway, you have how many victories to get now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Victories? It's impossible to have calculate because he has to play, too. So depends if he win, if he lose, if I win, if I lose. I don't know exactly, no? If I win I going to be No. 1, no? If I win the next matches, no, that's for sure.

Q. At what point today did you know that you were going to win that match? Was it after you broke him in the second set?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, when I have the break in the second set it was very important, no? I was feeling comfortable with my serve. Only that game I have problems. For the rest he was feeling good with the serve. When I had the break I feel I am very close.

Q. Coming back to Carlos winning the Tour de France, is it bigger news in Spain you winning Wimbledon, or how do you compare?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think it's no comparation (sic), no? It's totally different sports. So just congratulate Carlos. Very happy for all. The people in Spain are very happy about our sportsmen. I am a sportsman, and I'm very happy other Spanish having a very important title, most important title in bicycles, no?So just congratulate him. It's difficult to compare. Both are very important, no?

FastScripts by ASAP Sports

Coupe Rogers 2008/ Une entrevue de...

July 26, 2008
R. NADAL/A. Murray
7 6, 6 3
An interview with:

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You didn't have a chance to play Djokovic or Federer this week, but you looked very good against Gasquet and Murray with two really good hard court players. Talk about your comments going into tomorrow and the rest of the hard court season.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, first of all, my only expectation is to try and play a good match tomorrow, and if possible win the title. I said when I arrive here I don't think about No. 1 and I don't think about the hard court season or US Open or Olympics, I think about Toronto. So Toronto is very important tournament. It's the first big tournament on hard after the clay and grass court season, so my goal is try to play a good tournament here, no? I did a very good tournament. I played a very good tournament already, but tomorrow makes a lot of difference win or lose one final, no?

Q. How will you compare your victory tonight with the other opponents?
RAFAEL NADAL: Today compared with other matches?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: It's impossible compare the matches, no? Every match is completely different. I play against very good Andy today because he my opinion he played one of his best matches against me. So I did very good, no? I played a very good tennis for that reason, and finally I have the victory.

Q. You're on a 30 match winning streak over clay, grass, and now hard court. How do you feel your hard court game is compared to last year or the year before where you struggled just a little bit on hard court?
RAFAEL NADAL: The true, I never want to compare years, no, because every year is different. The moment, the situation, the confidence. I said I feel better player than last year, no? I feel I improve some things, but probably I am coming here with good confidence, no?

Q. You said that you could not compare each match because every match is different. Do you not feel that your standard went up much higher tonight?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I played a very good first set against Andreev. Yesterday I played a very good match. I was very focused mentally all the time because Gasquet was playing very good winners. Sure, he has more mistakes after the first set, no, but he has more mistakes for any reason. So I think I move a little more him than before and I play more to the lines, so more close to the lines. For that reason he start to have more mistakes. Today I know how tough is play against Andy. He plays very aggressive. Today all the time returning, serving. I was very focused all the time, no? Only one mistake in the second set with my first serve with the 3 1 for 4 1. For the rest I play a very good match.

Q. I imagine it's difficult to get back into it after Wimbledon. Do you feel you've done that now that you're back into the swing and playing as you would like to play?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am playing well, no? Nothing to say about how I am playing. I am very happy about how I am playing first tournament on hard. I am doing well, so I am very happy for be in the final. It's very important for start the hard season like this for me, no

Q. Sometimes you get code violations for taking too much time, but usually you don't react. Today it seemed to bother you.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I agree. If I lose more time than what I can, I agree, they have to put me the time violation. So I never says nothing, no? But, well, a lot of times in the last months I feeling I feel they put me warnings, time violation, in very important points, no? Today, for example, in the first breakpoint against, or one of the first breakpoints against, he puts me the time violation, no, when I was ready to serve. Sometimes, a lot of times, they put me the warning at 4 4, 5 4, 30 All. So I didn't normally I didn't say nothing, no? But today, well, that's bother me, because it's another time the same, in important moment, no? No, I agree they have to put me the warning, but they can put the warning in the 3 All. Because if I am losing the time I am losing the same time in the 3 All than in 3 1, 15 40, no?

Q. How confident are you that you can win the US Open this year and make it three Slams in a row?
RAFAEL NADAL: Right now I'm confident to play the final of tomorrow. Try my best tomorrow. Most important thing for me right now is not the US Open, it's Toronto. When I will be in the US Open the most important thing will be the US Open, no? But there are many important tournaments before.

Q. You mentioned in a TV interview after, when you were smiling, that you enjoy playing here in Canada and the reaction that you get from the crowd. Talk a little bit about that.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, the crowd was unbelievable with me all the days, no? When I arrive here, all the days they support me a lot when I am playing. And when I am not playing, too, when I am going to practice. So I feel a lot the support of the crowd here. Well, I just can say thanks. It's very nice experience for me play in Canada and be in another final in Canada after three years, so just thanks to the crowd of Canada in Toronto here.

Q. You still talk a lot about wanting to improve your game. What are some of the specific things you're still trying to get better at?
RAFAEL NADAL: I want to continuing serving better, no? I improve my serve, it's true, but if I want to win a little bit more matches a little bit easier without having problems with my serve, I have to continuing improve serving a little bit more close to the lines, a little bit with more power. So that's what I am working on, no? And always you can improve a little bit more the winner, the backhand, forehand, too. No, but happy with my forehand. I improved a lot the slice, so... But always you can continuing improvement.

Q. You played Kiefer three times this year. Talk a little bit about the type of player he is. RAFAEL NADAL: He's a very aggressive player, no? Very good serve. He's going good to the volley. Well, he has a powerful forehand, no, when he play aggressive, no? He has not bad control, very good control with the backhand. So I just try to I gonna try to play aggressive match, no? I gonna to try to play inside the court and try to move him, because he didn't play as comfortable as he want, no?

FastScripts by ASAP Sports

Prochain tournoi...

Place: Cincinnati, Ohio
Date: 28 juillet au 3 aout, 2008
Tableau: 64
Surface: Dure
Prix en argent: $2,615,000
Directeur du tournoi: Bruce Flory
Numéro pour billets:+1-513-651-0303

Rafael Nadal, évidemment!

Paul Roux - Court central

Le Dimanche 27 Juillet 2008, 15h44

Rafael Nadal, évidemment !

rafa27a.jpgRafael Nadal a fait un pas de plus vers le trône du roi Roger en enlevant sans peine la Coupe Rogers à Toronto (6-3, 6-2). Il faut dire que Nicolas Kiefer était un opposant modeste pour la finale d’un Masters. Mais depuis Monte-Carlo, personne ou presque ne lui résiste. Il a remporté aujourd’hui son cinquième tournoi d’affilée, son septième depuis quatre mois. Sa série victorieuse comprend deux tournois du Grand Chelem et trois de la série Masters.

Rafa s’envole pour Cincinnati, où il pourrait ravir le premier rang à Roger Federer. Champion en titre de ce Masters, le Suisse a en effet beaucoup de points à défendre. Nous assistons peut-être à la fin d’un long règne et au début d’un autre.

Nadal remporte la coupe rogers.

Le dimanche 27 juillet 2008
Nadal remporte la coupe Rogers

Photo AFP
Nick Patch
Presse Canadienne
Rafael Nadal s'est assuré qu'il n'y aurait pas d'autre surprise à la Coupe Rogers. La deuxième tête de série a défait l'Allemand Nicolas Kiefer en deux sets de 6-3 et 6-2, dimanche, pour ainsi remporter son cinquième tournoi consécutif et son 29e match d'affilée. L'Espagnol a également remporté le tournoi en 2005, alors que les hommes jouaient à Montréal.

Nadal, qui n'a jamais été en danger au cours de cette rencontre, n'a mis que 90 minutes à se défaire de son opposant. Il a réussi son premier bris de service dès le cinquième jeu. Les deux joueurs ont alors conservé leur service jusqu'au neuvième jeu du set, quand Kiefer a fait cadeau de la manche à Nadal avec une double faute.>>> Réagissez sur le blogue de tennis de .Voir nos photos de la finaleKiefer a continué à se battre au second set. Il a bien failli briser le service de Nadal au cinquième jeu, mais après s'être retrouvé six fois à égalité, l'Espagnol a enlevé le jeu quand son adversaire a complètement raté un revers.C'est alors que l'Allemand, classé 37e au monde, a perdu tous ses moyens. Il a commis deux doubles fautes sur le jeu suivant et ses coups, manquant nettement de précision, ont offert le bris à Nadal.Nadal a remporté sept des neufs jeux suivants pour pour mettre la main sur son 30e titre en carrière, ce qui a fait dire à son adversaire qu'il devrait être considéré comme le meilleur joueur au monde présentement.«Tous les joueurs veulent être numéro 1, a dit Nadal. Mais présentement, je suis le numéro 2.»«Je pense qu'il sera le prochain numéro 1», a simplement dit Kiefer à la conclusion du match, alors qu'il a rendu hommage à son adversaire.

Jusqu'à maintenant, Nadal a démontré beaucoup de classe en rappelant à tous qu'il ne visait pas le premier rang mondial, détenu depuis le 2 février 2004 par Roger Federer, qui s'est incliné en première ronde du tournoi.«Ca ne change pas grand chose d'être premier ou deuxième, a ajouté Nadal. Si je deviens le premier joueur mondial, je serai prêt. Je suis prêt. Mais pour l'instant, je suis le deuxième au monde.«Je pense que vous oubliez rapidement, n'est-ce pas? Je crois que je dois être heureux, très heureux d'être deuxième au monde. Car si je suis deuxième au monde, c'est qu'il y a un joueur incroyable devant moi.»Match ordinaire pour KieferKiefer, qui participait à une première finale depuis 2005, a joué de façon respectable, mais n'a pas démontré la même agressivité qui lui a permis de vaincre Mardy Fish, Mikhail Youzhny, Nikolay Davydenko, James Blake et Gilles Simon, tombeur de Roger Federer, dans les rondes précédentes.Il a semblé se satisfaire de leurs échanges de fond de court, a rarement monté au filet et quand il l'a fait, Nadal avait réponse à toutes ses attaques. Son premier service n'avait pas de mordant - il n'en a d'ailleurs réussi qu'un faible 47 pour cent - et il a commis 31 fautes directes, comparativement aux 15 de Nadal.«Le résultat donne à penser que le match a été plus facile qu'il ne l'a été», a conclu Nadal.

Et de sept pour Nadal.

Et de sept pour Nadal
Dimanche 27 juillet 2008

Plus rien, même Roger Federer, ne peut empêcher Rafael Nadal de devenir le nouveau monarque du tennis masculin mondial. L’Espagnol a remporté un cinquième tournoi de suite en disposant de l’Allemand Nicolas Kiefer 6-3, 6-2, dimanche en finale de la Coupe Rogers au Rexall Centre de Toronto. Ce n’est maintenant plus qu’une question de temps avant que Nadal ne mette fin au règne de Federer qui a commencé le 2 février 2004.Lundi, le Majorquin n’accusera plus que 300 points de retard au classement sur le Suisse, qui sera pratiquement condamné à gagner de nouveau le Masters Series de Cincinnati et les Internationaux des États-Unis puisque Nadal n’aura que cinq points à défendre en Ohio et 150 autres à Flushing Meadows. Le tournoi olympique pourrait toutefois donner un peu de sursis à Federer, car des points ATP y seront distribués pour la toute première fois de l’histoire.Nadal a également été sacré champion pour la septième fois cette année, la 30e fois en carrière et la seconde fois au Canada, endroit où il avait remporté son premier tournoi sur surface dure en 2005.

L’Espagnol n’a donné aucune chance à son adversaire, qui participait à sa première finale depuis octobre 2005. Nadal a sauvé les quatre balles de bris, dont trois lors d’une interminable cinquième partie en deuxième manche, qu’il a concédées à Kiefer et sauté à pieds joints sur les trois offertes par l’Allemand au cours du match.Kiefer, dont le dernier titre remontait à Hong Kong en octobre 2000, aura tout de même connu une semaine de rêve à Toronto, éliminant quatre têtes série : les Russe Nikolay Davydenko (4e) et Mikhail Youzhny (15e) ainsi que l’Américain James Blake (7e).

Coupe Rogers 2008 ~Nestor et Zimonjic champions.

Nestor et Zimonjic champions
Dimanche 27 juillet 2008

TORONTO - Le Torontois Daniel Nestor et son partenaire, le Serbe Nenad Zimonjic, ont battu la paire favorite formée des frères américains Mike et Bob Bryan, dimanche, pour remporter la finale du double du tournoi de la Coupe Rogers. Nestor et Zimonjic, deuxièmes têtes de série, ont battu les frères Bryan en trois sets de 6-2, 4-6 et 10-6. Il s'agit d'une quatrième victoire consécutive pour le duo qui a aussi mis la main sur le tournoi de Wimbledon un peu plus tôt ce mois-ci.Les vainqueurs ont débuté le match sur les chapeaux de roue, brisant un premier service dès le quatrième jeu pour prendre les devants 3-1 dans ce set qu'il remporteront finalement en seulement 24 minutes.Les Bryans ont cependant rebondi pour s'emparer de la deuxième manche, avant d'entamer le bris d'égalité en force, se forgeant une avance de 6-3.Le reste du match fut toutefois l'affaire de Nestor et Zimonjic, qui ont remporté les sept points suivants pour porter leur fiche cette saison à 36-11, dans un match qui n'aura finalement duré que 69 minutes."Nenad a joué du tennis incroyable dans le bris d'égalité pour nous permettre de demeurer dans le match, a dit Nestor. Puis, nous avons bien servi une fois que nous avons pris les devants."

Les vainqueurs se sont partagés la bourse de 130 000 $ US, tandis que les finalistes ont mis la mains sur 75 000 $.La première équipe à atteindre 10 points est déclarée vainqueure lors du bris d'égalité en double. Mike Bryan se sentait en confiance après avoir remporté six des neuf premiers points."Nous étions en avance 6-3, Bob servait, alors j'aimais bien nos chances à ce moment, a-t-il expliqué. Mais ils ont réussi quelques coups spectaculaires et je ne crois pas que nous ayons remporté un autre point par la suite. Le vent a tourné."En 2002, Nestor et son partenaire d'alors, Mark Knowles, avait perdu le tournoi face aux Bryan, qui ont aussi remporté le tournoi en 2006. il s'agit d'une deuxième victoire à Toronto pour Nestor, qui a remporté le tournoi en 2000, avec son partenaire Sébastien Lareau.

samedi 26 juillet 2008

Coupe Roger, c'est parti!

Coupe Rogers 2008
Ordre de jeu
Samedi 26 juillet,2008
Homme/ Demie-finale

Court Central
3h00 p.m.
G Simon (FRA) vs N Kiefer (GER)
7h00 p.m.
A Murray (GBR) vs R Nadal (ESP)

3h00 p.m.
Match à finir
L Dlouhy (CZE)/ L Paes (IND) vs D Nestor (CAN)/ N Zimonjic (SRB)

Coupe Rogers 2008/ Une entrevue de...

July 25, 2008

R. NADAL/R. Gasquet
6 7, 6 2, 6 1
An interview with:

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What did you think of that first set? That was a very tough, long tiebreak.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, very tough, no? I had two times break for me in the first set, so, well, he returned well. I had some mistakes. Well, in the tiebreak, you know, it was emotional tiebreak. I have my chance, but he has more than me.
Finally he play a little bit better and he beat me the tiebreak, no? Yeah, it was a nice first set.

Q. What did you think of the way he played, especially the first set?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he played well, no? It's nothing new. Richard is a very good player, so I know how good can play Gasquet, no? So just he did well, especially in the first set.
Later I maybe improve a little bit the intensity, the rhythm. I start to move him a little bit more, and, you know, he had a little bit more mistakes.
Well, it's difficult after won first set, tough first set like this, start the second set at 100%, no? If you win the tiebreak maybe you can start the second set a little bit more relax, no? I know that.

Q. Did you feel like he started to wear down as the match went on, started to get tired and slow a little bit as the match went on?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel that I have to continuing playing my game. I have to move him. The match is long, no? He was playing unbelievable winners, no? But after one very long set like this, if I can continue and improve a little bit more my rhythm, it's difficult because you feel a little bit more tired, no?

Q. He said that he thinks you're the best player in the world without a doubt right now. You haven't said that, but do you believe that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Thank you Richard for the words, no? But the ranking says I'm the No. 2, so I feel the No. 2.

Q. You're undefeated against and Murray, your opponent tomorrow. Is that a factor when getting prepared for a match? Do you think about stuff like that?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no? I prefer my position than his position, because, you know, sometimes when you didn't win against another one it's tough.
But at the same time, you know, every match is completely different, no? But, you know, Murray didn't win never against Djokovic, and today he did. He beat Djokovic.
So every match is completely different and anything can happen, no? He's playing at very good level because he beat Wawrinka and right now Djokovic. Both players are very good. I have to play very well if I want to have chances for win, no?

Q. The decision to bring Toni with you as opposed to Francisco Roig, who usually accompanies you to the hard court tournaments after Wimbledon. Is that because this year you won Wimbledon and you're getting closer to becoming No. 1 and Toni needs to examine a little bit more what it takes to becoming No. 1?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I doesn't affect nothing if it's Toni here or Francisco Roig, no? Toni is coming here because after is Peking, and Francisco is coming to Peking. Toni don't want to go to Peking. For Toni be one month and a half he prefers come here and for don't come to Peking. Doesn't matter for the No. 1.
The true, we don't think about that, no? We think about play very good tournament here in Toronto like every year, no?

Q. Being so close, now that you've defended your points from last year's tournament and with Roger losing so many. After almost 160 weeks at No. 2, how does it feel to be so close that many weeks at No. 2 to taking over the ranking, which is now pretty much a mathematical certainty in the next month?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel I am in semifinal of Toronto. Here is very good tournament, no? I feel I want to play very good match tomorrow for have chance for win another title here in Canada, no? So that's my goal right now.

FastScripts by ASAP Sports

Coupe Rogers 2008/ Une entrevue de...

July 24, 2008
/I. Andreev
6 2, 7 6
An interview with:

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Are you happy about your performance tonight?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, for sure. I play a very good match. 100% better than yesterday. Just very happy for how I play today, no?
For win Andreev I have to play well, no? So I did today, and it's important for me be in this semifinal.

Q. The first two sets looked like Federer last night a bit: Easy first set and a tough second one. Were you concerned in the second set about maybe dropping this game?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I was a little bit?

Q. Concerned in the second set.
RAFAEL NADAL: If I was a little bit worried about the second set because Federer happened the same yesterday?

Q. Uh huh.
RAFAEL NADAL: Doesn't matter Federer or me, no? I think it's completely different matches. I don't know. I am not looking if David Ferrer (sic) lost the second set or have a tough second set. If I have to look what Federer is do, it's nonsense, something like this, no? Just I am focus on me, no?
I know I going to have tough sets and tough matches, no? So the 7 6 against Andreev is nothing strange, no? It's completely normal.

Q. Did you watch the Federer match yesterday? And either way, what was your general impression?
RAFAEL NADAL: I watch some things, some games, because I was waiting for my match, doubles, no? So, well, in my opinion he had a lot of chances and he had chances for win in two sets.
In the third he has break up, so he had two times, I think. He had a little bit unlucky with some points, and in the end Simon play very well, no?

Q. Since your winning match by match, don't think and Federer has lost already don't you think that he's now chasing you instead of you chasing him like this was before?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think nobody is chasing everybody, no? Federer and me, we are trying our best in every tournament where we play, no?
So finally, we will see. Right now it's true. The points are closer than ever. But, you know, every day we do our best, no?

Q. Don't you think that since Yannick Noah left and since Djokovic earlier said that he finished with mimicking everyone on the court, that some entertaining is just get out of the tennis, of the game? It's just became just fine job, no more entertaining?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think this is not a show, no? I think this is a sport. Everyone can do what they want. My opinion, the show or the star is the tennis. It's not the imitation of no one.
So I think if the people wants to watch tennis, it's because the tennis is world sport and they want to watch the tennis, no, the matches, not the imitation.

Q. I know we're asking a lot about the Federer match, but the result had a big impact. Do you see it as significant that he lost so early, or do you think it's something that shouldn't be paid that much attention to?
RAFAEL NADAL: You guys, I think you really don't know how tough is play Miami, Davis Cup, Monte Carlo, Rome, Barcelona, Hamburg, Roland Garros, Halle or Queen's next week after Wimbledon.
So a lot of the matches and a lot of tournaments, well, without a stop. So after Wimbledon, tough match in the final, the body, after one match like this, after one tournament like this, is going a little bit down. For me, too.
I won and I feel that I feel that, no? Well, he lost important match I think for him, and maybe he has to be a little bit worse than me. So you don't know how tough is be another time 100% in one week, one week and a half.
Because you have to be here, and Federer yesterday plays against Simon. Simon came here winning the last tournament the week before. It's a very tough match for be the first match after being long time without playing on hard and with only some days of practice, no?

Q. That's why we're asking you, because you know how tough it is.
RAFAEL NADAL: For that reason I answer you. (Laughter).

Q. Are you surprised that Andreev played as well as he did after he turned his ankle in the first set?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. No Andreev is a very good player. I didn't surprise nothing of him.

Q. Could you tell that he was in pain or anything?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think he was fine. You know, sometimes have a little bit bad movement in the ankle, but later feels good. If you twist the ankle more it's very difficult to continuing playing.
But I have sometimes a little bit twist and later you can play normal, no? So finally I am very happy for him, because it's tough to have an injury in this part of season. You have Olympics and Cincinnati and US Open, so a lot of important things.

Q. How is your golf game and what is your handicap right now?
RAFAEL NADAL: 11. So my golf game depends of the day, but not very good.

Q. What are your plans before the US Open?
RAFAEL NADAL: The normal thing: Play here and Cincinnati and Olympics, play the US Open. So that's the plan, but you never know, no?

Q. Can you talk about your next match a little bit? Gasquet won the first set.
RAFAEL NADAL: Both players are very good players. David Ferrer is a No. 4 or 5 in the world, and Gasquet is a very good player. This year he's not playing his best, but in the last weeks he's playing much better than before.
Both players are very tough. Just I have to play my best tennis if I want to win tomorrow, no?

FastScripts by ASAP Sports
Paul Roux - Court central

Le Vendredi 25 Juillet 2008, 23h59

Murray surprend Djokovic


Andy Murray (ci-dessus) a causé la surprise en éliminant Novak Djokovic, le champion en titre du tournoi de Toronto. L’Écossais, qui n’avait jamais battu le Serbe, l’a défait 6-3, 7-6.

Ce soir, ce sera à son tour de tenter de stopper l’invincible Rafael Nadal. Ce dernier a perdu une manche contre Richard Gasquet. Un long set accroché et excitant, conclu 14-12 au jeu décisif. Le Français a montré tout le long de cet interminable manche l’étendue de son talent et la variété de ses coups. Sauf qu’il ne lui restait plus rien pour poursuivre le match. Le Majorquin, lui, a poursuivi au même rythme d’enfer, enlevant facilement les deux dernières manches 6-2, 6-1. Je vois mal qui pourrait freiner son irrésistible poussée vers le premier rang mondial.

L’autre demi-finale sera totalement inattendue. Gilles Simon (ci-dessous) a poursuivi sa belle lancée en éliminant Marin Cilic (3-6, 6-2, 6-3). Il sera opposé à Nicolas Kiefer, qui a profité de l’inertie de James Blake pour accéder aux demies (6-2, 6-1).


Coupe Rogers 2008/ Une entrevue de...

July 23, 2008
R. NADAL/J. Levine
6‑4, 6‑2
An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You had a rough start today seems like.
THE MODERATOR: (Through translation.)
RAFAEL NADAL: Especially the first games, no? Not easy play the first round never, and especially when I have one week off after Wimbledon. I only have some day for practice, so it's tough start, no?
Important think I can come back and finally I won, so happy for be, well, in third round right now.

Q. He admitted that after the start he started to get nervous. Did you see that on him?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I think he start playing very well, no? Very inside the court and very aggressive play and amazing shots.
Well, after some games I start to feeling a little bit better, no? I start to moving a little bit more him. He can't play the ball with the same, well, not easier than before because I put the ball a little bit more to the sides.
For that reason I think he start to have more mistakes than the beginning, no?

Q. Playing on clay is much more natural for you than playing on hard courts. So when you're playing on hard courts, mentally what do you have to remind yourself to do?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know yet, no? It's the first match, so it's very early for the conclusions and for think what I have to do, no?
Sure, when I play on clay my game is more natural, no, because I play a lot of matches, more matches on clay than hard. My natural game is adapted to clay, but when I play on hard I feel good, no?
Today wasn't my best match obviously, but I didn't feel very bad after the beginning. I know going to be tough tournament, and just hopefully play better tomorrow. If I not playing better I going to have a lot of problems. I have tough opponent in Andreev.

Q. Did you make any adjustments to your focus on different things that have to do?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think not much, no? Because I play this year on clay very aggressive all the time, similar than what I have to do on this surface, no? Not a lot of difference, no?
My goal here is play similar than when I play on clay. When I play on clay this year I play very inside the court, very aggressive, moving, having the control of the point more times than before. So that's what I have to do here.

Q. How bad was the wind today at the beginning?
RAFAEL NADAL: Wind is always there, especially in big center courts the wind is moving. But that's normal for us, I think, no? Nothing new.

Q. That was a very long rain delay. Did you do anything special or interesting to pass the time?
RAFAEL NADAL: I play foosball. I don't know, you know. In Spanish the foosball, billiards, darts. I don't know in English. That's what I did.

Q. Did the delay affect you at all, the waiting?
RAFAEL NADAL: After last year in Wimbledon everything is fine.

Q. Were you surprised at all by how much Spanish support you had in the crowd today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it was a nice support, no? Probably the court wasn't that full. It was a tough day for the rain and for everything, but the people support me a lot here. We just can say thanks to the crowd here.
Well, I have big memories of Canada now. I won my first hard court in Montreal, so it's a nice memories.

Q. In the second set at one point you just seemed to kind of fall down. It was hard to tell what happened.
THE MODERATOR: (From translation.) His coordination.
RAFAEL NADAL: I serve and I didn't found (tapping foot) for put the right foot on the floor, no? I didn't found the place.

Q. What do you have to improve tomorrow against Andreev?
RAFAEL NADAL: A lot of things, no? I don't know exactly, no, but a lot of things. Maybe I going to improve, that's for sure, because I have one match. The first match always is difficult.
I have to move better than today, that's for sure. Later if I move better everything going to be a little bit easier, because I am touching the ball good when I am practicing. The movement is a little bit different here on hard, and adapt a little bit the movement, no, and play a little bit more aggressive with the backhand, that's for sure.
Probably change a little bit more the rhythm. Play some balls with more topspin and other ones flat. That's going to be important. But especially playing with more intensity.

Q. This was Jesse's first match against a top opponent like yourself. Were you impressed with him enough that you feel he may become a top American player?
RAFAEL NADAL: How old is he?

Q. Twenty.
RAFAEL NADAL: He's young, so he can be a very good player. He has facility, good talent for go inside the court and have very good shots. In the beginning he was serving well. He's a good lefty serve, so I think he can play good. Why not, no?

Q. Were you maybe expecting Berdych in the next round? Remembering two years ago here, are you a little bit happy that it's Andreev?
RAFAEL NADAL: That doesn't matter for me. I know both opponents going to be very difficult. Andreev was two years ago, so doesn't matter if it's Andreev or Berdych. I don't know.
I beat Berdych in different surfaces in the last, well, last years, no? So I know Berdych is very tough opponent, but Andreev going to be very tough, too.

Q. Back to his serve, he had a majority of his second serves come to you. Did you make a point of playing him more aggressively on his second serve?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think so, no? Maybe I have to play a little bit more aggressive for the next matches, no? Today, nothing ‑‑ well, I just know how tough going to be the first round. Just try to do everything normal, no? Try to play normal match. Just put the ball inside and trying to find good feelings without doing special things, no?

Q. It seemed his best shot today was the two‑handed backhand. Is that something you knew about him going into the match, that maybe that was one of his better shots?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I didn't know him before. I never saw him playing before. When he was inside the court and played aggressive backhand it's very dangerous shot, no?

Q. Do you feel more pressure after your Wimbledon win and now going into the US Open and hard court tournaments?
RAFAEL NADAL: Why more, no? If I feel something different it's less pressure, because anyway if I lost here tomorrow, if I lose in the US Open, well, my season going to be a very good season, no? Winning two Grand Slams already, I have two Masters Series, two more tournaments, so that's very good season for me, no?
Right now just continuing to try to improve my hard court season. After Wimbledon last two years wasn't my best in this part of the season.
But pressure, not. Less than then, I think.

Q. Ever since you were very young you've talked about wanting to win Wimbledon. That was the big dream. Now you've done it. What's the big dream now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Right now is just try to play good tournament here in Toronto, no?

Q. But overall...
RAFAEL NADAL: I understand your question, but I am not thinking too much about ‑‑ if you want my answer is be No. 1, not right now. Just I'm focus on continuing playing well. Just I know if I continuing playing like the four last months I going to have my chances for be No. 1 and play a good tournament here and US Open.
So my goal is not be No. 1 or win US Open. My goal is continue playing like I did last months. That's my goal right now, and try and play a very good tournament here in Toronto.

FastScripts by ASAP Sports

Rafael Nadal (Getty Images)
Rafael Nadal (Getty Images)

Coupe Rogers: Nadal en demi-finale; Djokovic éliminé.

Le vendredi 25 juillet 2008

Coupe Rogers: Nadal en demi-finales; Djokovic éliminé

Rafael Nadal (Photo PC)
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Rafael Nadal
Photo PC

Nick Patch

Presse Canadienne


L'Espagnol Rafael Nadal, N.2 mondial, s'est qualifié pour les demi-finales du tournoi ATP Masters Series de Toronto, en battant le Français Richard Gasquet, tête de série N.10, en trois manches, 6-7 (12/14), 6-2, 6-1.

Pour une place en finale, Nadal, postulant à la place de N.1 mondial occupée par le Suisse Roger Federer, affrontera le Britannique Andy Murray samedi.

L'Ecossais a créé la surprise en éliminant le Serbe Novak Djokovic, tenant du titre et N.3 mondial (6-3, 7-6).

Il a dominé Djokovic au premier set et il l'a tenu en respect dans le deuxième, quand le Serbe a sporadiquement tenté de prendre le contrôle.

Murray, qui n'avait jamais vaincu son adversaire de 21 ans en quatre confrontations, s'est déplacé avec aisance sur le court, courant sur toutes les balles et retournant avec succès les coups les plus difficiles.

Djokovic, pour sa part, a paru sans vie. Il a commis 36 erreurs directes comparativement à 19 pour Murray.

«Généralement, je ne suis pas heureux de ma performance», a reconnu Djokovic après son match.

Le tombeur de Roger Federer, Gilles Simon, a accédé aux demi-finales. (Photo AFP)

Le tombeur de Roger Federer, Gilles Simon, a accédé aux demi-finales.
Photo AFP

Dans l'autre demi-finale, Nicolas Kiefer fera face au Français Gilles Simon, dans une confrontation entre deux joueurs que peu d'observateurs attendaient à ce stade de la compétition.

«Je suis tellement confiant, je veux gagner chaque match, même si je suis fatigué, a confié Simon, la 22e tête de série qui a vaincu le Croate Marin Cilic 3-6, 6-2, 6-3. Je sais que je joue très bien en ce moment. Je tente donc de gagner le plus de matches possibles pour améliorer mon classement à la fin de la semaine.

«Car vous savez, au tennis, la confiance peut se perdre facilement. Il suffit parfois d'une blessure ou quelque chose d'autre pour tout faire basculer.»

L'Allemand Kiefer a pour sa part eu raison de l'Américain James Blake 6-1, 6-2. Il a expliqué que sa victoire aux dépens de la septième tête de série n'avait pas été aussi facile qu'il y paraît.

«Ça n'a pas été facile, a-t-il confié. J'ai dû offrir un très haut niveau de jeu.»

Le 37e joueur mondial n'a pas remporté un tournoi de l'ATP depuis 2000, à Hong Kong.

Prudemment, Simon ne prend rien pour acquis.

«J'espère que nous allons disputer un grand match, a dit Simon. Même si je suis exténué, je donnerai mon maximum demain.»

Simon, âgé de 23 ans, a ajouté Cilic à son tableau de chasse de ce tournoi, qui comprend également le favori Roger Federer, l'Américain Donald Young et l'Argentin Jose Acasuso.

En double, le Torontois Daniel Nestor et le Serbe Nenad Zimonjic ont atteint les demi-finales. Le duo, classé deuxième tête de série, a défait le Français Paul-Henri Mathieu et le Russe Mikhail Youzhny 7-6 (4), 6-4. Ils affronteront le Tchèque Lukas Dlouhy et l'Indien Leander Paes au tour suivant.