samedi 29 mars 2008

Rafael Nadal - 3.28.08

R. NADAL/B. Becker
7‑5, 6‑2

An interview with:

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. In the first set you were down a couple of games during the beginning, which is, of course, that's not uncommon. But do you ever start to panic, or does it kind of affect your game if you're down a couple of games? How do you handle that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he start playing so crazy, playing well in the beginning. So, well, he break me in the second game, but I have little bit luck and I can come back, break in the next game. So happy for that, because I played a comfortable game, comfortable match today, no?
So I'm happy with my victory.

FastScripts by ASAP Sports

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