dimanche 30 mai 2010

Q & R avec Rafa: Paris is the best place to spend a birthday

How do you usually celebrate your birthday? Mine is also the 3rd of June! Vamos Rafa!
Assel from Kazakhstan

Rafa says: I have celebrated my birthday four times in Paris in the last five years. Obviously last year it was the only one that I had the chance to celebrate it at home. And to be honest I would have preferred to have been in Paris...Anyway, that's the past. I normally go out for dinner with my team and the family here in Paris.


My question is about the change in the strings for your racket. Will you be using the new strings in grass too?

Rafa says: Nope, same ones!

Novak did the parody of the "Gypsy" video for the jukebox segment. Have you seen it yet? What are your thoughts on it? I hope we still get to see you duet with Marc! Best of luck for the rest of the tourney! VAMOS! :)
Julz, Philippines

Rafa says: I have seen it. No problem. But I have to say that previous things were funnier! Hopefully Marc will do it!

Hi Rafa, my friends and I are big fans of yours, good luck at Roland Garros. We were wondering, in a match, just before service, a player is given three balls. Then they look at them, and then drop one and use the other two. Why is that? What do you choose between? Thanks!
Love Jasmine

Rafa says: I try to chose the faster one for the first serve.

I don't know how you remain patient with some of the silly questions asked to you at your post match press conferences! So I have a silly question, but hopefully one you've not heard before...It was the Eurovision Song Contest this weekend, do you ever watch it? Spain's entry is not the best this year, I'm afraid! My friends and I are having a party for it so I'm going to attempt to cook paella to go with the European theme! Good luck with the rest of Roland Garros!
Kirsty, UK

Rafa says: I have not watched it to be honest.

You have had epic battles with Roger Federer over the years. Do you now feel that everyone expects a five-set marathon every time you play together? How do you cope with the pressure? Keeping fingers crossed for you for this tournament! Bueno Suerte!
Lawrence Head from Leicestershire

Rafa says: I am sure that everyone expects a great match. I would love to be back in the final here and if Roger is the opponent, more than happy. The important thing is to be in the final and for that there is still a long way to go!

Rafa, you truly amaze me in so many ways - you are such an inspiration! My question - Can you remember the longest rally you have ever played? How many shots? Good luck - really looking forward to seeing some entertaining tennis from you as always and great to have you blogging.
Kim, Australia

Rafa says: Not really. I have had some long ones over the years...

What trophy do you like the best, aesthetically speaking?

Rafa says: I would say... Wimbledon?!?!???!!?!?!

Hola, Rafa! You are a fantastic guy. I enjoy watching you playing very much. When I watched the tie-break quiz videos on atpworldtour.com, it really amazed me that a lot of players could remember the exact scores of the matches they played long time ago. Can you do that? For example, can you still remember the score when you defeated Coria in Rome in 2005? Thank you. Good luck for the rest of the season. I'd like to see you in Shanghai this October.
Marjorie, Shanghai

Rafa says: Many thanks. Sure, I remember almost all of them. Against Coria it was one of the best and the most exciting I ever played. The final score was 6-4, 3-6, 6-3, 4-6, 7-6(6)!

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